Kim Blair Tarot

Intuitive Tarot readings available with Kim via ZOOM and *in-person at WFL on selected days (see below for more info)



the launch of

 my new

 Tarot Website!


Special Offer:

  Sign up for my "WEBSITE" NEWSLETTER 

in order to receive

 $20.00 off your first Zoom Tarot Reading with me.

(*if you previously signed up for my newsletter your email address has been added to my new website subscriber list so you won't need to do it again)

A New Perspective Perhaps?


#12 The Hanged, from the Unfolding Path Tarot

Is it time to look at things from a new perspective?

#12 a major arcana card called "The Hanged" in The Unfolding Path Tarot, might be offering us the suggestion to take a look at a particular life situation from an entirely new perspective.

By utilizing this opportunity to brain storm new ideas for an old issue, or maybe take a bit of time to hang out and chill before making a decision, we might be allowing life to show us something we might otherwise miss.

Check out the dates I will be hanging out at Where Faeries Live offering *in-person Tarot  readings.

*If you would prefer a Zoom Tarot reading check out my offerings here.

Giving and Receiving


6 of Pentacles from The Unfolding Path Tarot

6 of Pentacles from The Light Seer's Tarot

"The 6 of Pentacles offers us magical wisdom."

The wisdom this Tarot card reveals is that the beauty of giving and receiving create a magical loop.

By allowing ourselves to experience both we keep the magic flowing... 💕

Gifts given and received do not only come in the form of money.

Our time, talents, or energy are also valuable things to share, and often contribute to enhanced feelings of well-being and joy in both of giver and receiver.

A magical flow moving within a magical loop. 💫

It Speaks to Me


The Unfolding Path Tarot
 by Athene Noctua

The Unfolding Path Tarot, by Athene Noctua, is a special Tarot deck that speaks to me on a deep, intuitive level.

This deck, published in 2023 is hot off the press, and I feel so fortunate to have it in my collection. Discovering a deck that speaks to me on a similar level as The Light Seer's Tarot has been a bit illusive until now. It feels fortuitous and a magical to own a copy of this recently published deck, The Unfolding Path Tarot.

I now have two modern Tarot decks which I can choose from when reading for clients.

Let me share this beautiful inclusive Tarot deck, "The Unfolding Path" with you through a reading.

*Book a reading to experience some intuitive guidance from the Tarot.

The Floral image on the back of this magical deck of Tarot cards!
"The Unfolding Path Tarot"

Restorative "Chakra" Tarot


I highly recommend reading David Pond's Book on Chakras for Beginners

Chakra is a Sanskrit word which is often translated as wheel, or circle.

The 7 main Chakras are considered energy centres for the body and are located along the spine and head of our "astral" body.

"It has been suggested that our Chakras may influence our feelings of well being."

Click here to Book a "Restorative Chakra Tarot" Reading

 A Chakra reading testimonial:

"Kim Blair is a lovely and generous person, so I felt comfortable asking for an unusual way to lay the Tarot cards.  I'd been working with my chakras, finding some blockages, and wondered what information the cards might offer.  She was open to and excited with my request, and took her time with each chakra  -  a rich collaboration.  I've since been working with the Tarot insights received.  I can recommend Kim's work to anyone."

"A Restorative Chakra Tarot reading works with the

 7 main Chakras of the body and is designed to assist you in strengthening each Chakra.

What is Wealth ?


The King of Pentacles

"What is wealth, and how do we measure it?"

Of course wealth can be the measure of how much money we have in our bank accounts, or the state of our financial affairs... but is that all there is to it?

The King of Pentacles is a Tarot Card often associated with wealth... many forms of wealth:

  • Having a wealth of knowledge
  • Having a wealth of good friends
  • Enjoying the wealth of nature
  • Having a wealth of satisfaction 
  • Having an abundance of peace/security
  • Having enough ____ (fill in the blank) to be able to share with others
  • *This list is not exhaustive...

What form does your wealth come in?

Letting Go of Fear


The Fool 
The Light Seer's Tarot

Standing on the edge, ready to let go of whatever fear has been holding you back...trusting that things will work out.

This interpretation is just one of many options you could read in this Tarot card

Take a look at where you are in your life when it shows up in a reading.

Perhaps it is giving you permission to take a leap and try something new.

"The Fool, one of the Major Arcana cards, is the beginning

 of the journey..."

Would you like to hear what the Tarot might suggest for your journey?

Let's Communicate on a Deeper Level


King of Swords from the Light Seer's Tarot

 The King of Swords is not the strong silent type!

This Tarot card often represents a strong, mature, communicative individual with the ability to express their needs with a high degree of emotional intelligence. Their strong, but sensitive, communication style gives them the knack for being able to relate to a wide range of individuals.

Let's see if this King is in your cards...

"The King of Swords energy may offer you the opportunity to communicate on a deeper level with colleagues, family and friends." 

Let's Talk about Your Love Life


2 of cups from the Light Seer's Tarot

The 2 of cups tarot card is often read as a signifier of a romantic relationship when it appears in a reading.

I have listed a few questions you might consider asking the Tarot when you are looking for some insight into a present or future romantic relationship:

  • What is the romantic potential of this relationship?
  • What is the challenge/lesson in my current romantic relationship?
  • What action can I take to improve my romantic relationship with _____?
  • What will likely be the outcome if I pursue a romantic relationship with _____?
Let's see what The Tarot has to say about your love life!

Conflict or Choices ?


The 5 of Wands from The Light Seer's Tarot

The 5 of Wands is often viewed as suggesting a struggle with others; but I think, it might instead suggest an inner struggle.

  Such as:  

  • We may be feeling life is a bit of a struggle trying to work our way up the ladder towards a promotion we want.
  • Or, perhaps we keep trying different avenues, struggling to find the right one that we hope will lead us to were we want to be on our career path.

"Life is a series of choices." 

When we acknowledge we may be having some struggles about how to make choices in life we can relax a bit. Once we relax we can allow the Tarot to offer up some wisdom and insights on how we might make more informed choices and decisions.

Help with your choices  is only a Tarot reading  away... 

Let's look into your Future


7 of cups from the Light Seer's Tarot

"TheTarot can be an amazing tool for exploring your future!"

A 12 month Tarot forecast offers insight and suggestions for each month within a 12 month sequence. This forecast can start in any month, which is great because that makes it accessible anytime of the year.  

For example, let's say you want to explore a specific career path/choice and how it may unfold over the next 12 months. An in-depth Tarot reading gives you the opportunity to do this.

A 12 month forecast reading is 1.5 hours in length and might be an important investment in your future. It will offering insights and suggestions on what to expect for each month in a given 12 month period as it pertains to your specific career path.

Book a reading for some in-depth career information.

Have a look at some general, frequently asked Q & A's  about Tarot.