Conflict or Choices ?


The 5 of Wands from The Light Seer's Tarot

The 5 of Wands is often viewed as suggesting a struggle with others; but I think, it might instead suggest an inner struggle.

  Such as:  

  • We may be feeling life is a bit of a struggle trying to work our way up the ladder towards a promotion we want.
  • Or, perhaps we keep trying different avenues, struggling to find the right one that we hope will lead us to were we want to be on our career path.

"Life is a series of choices." 

When we acknowledge we may be having some struggles about how to make choices in life we can relax a bit. Once we relax we can allow the Tarot to offer up some wisdom and insights on how we might make more informed choices and decisions.

Help with your choices  is only a Tarot reading  away...