Q & A


🔮Do I need to have a specific question in mind to have a Tarot reading?

No, you don’t need to have a specific question in mind for a reading.

We can do a general reading, or I can help you formulate a question at the beginning of our session.

You might want to take a look at  "Questions to Ask the Tarot" section for some question suggestions.

🔮I have never had a Tarot reading before, can you explain what happens during a reading?

The following is a general outline of what to expect in a Tarot session: 

We start the session discussing what area of your life you want to focus on, then together we may formulate a question, or leave the reading to be more general in nature. Next, I shuffle the cards and lay a number of them out on the table in a what is called a “spread” pattern.

I use the images, symbols, colours and numbers on the cards to create an informative story that relates to your question, or the area of your life you chose to focus on for the reading.


🔮What areas of life do people most often ask questions about in a reading?

  •   Relationships
  •  Career
  •  Creativity
  •  Work 
  •  Family


🔮Can I take notes during the session?

Yes, I encourage you to 'audio' record the session on your phone, and/or take notes.


🔮Why do you offer your readings via Zoom?

Here are just a few of the benefits of a Zoom reading:

  •       No need to travel 
  •      You have the privacy and comfort of your own home 
  •      You can have a reading from anywhere in the world

🔮Can you tell me more about the history of Tarot and about Tarot in general?


Yes, I can.

To read about the history of Tarot, and Tarot in general I invite you to read my section, “What is Tarot.”