Restorative "Chakra" Tarot


I highly recommend reading David Pond's Book on Chakras for Beginners

Chakra is a Sanskrit word which is often translated as wheel, or circle.

The 7 main Chakras are considered energy centres for the body and are located along the spine and head of our "astral" body.

"It has been suggested that our Chakras may influence our feelings of well being."

Click here to Book a "Restorative Chakra Tarot" Reading

 A Chakra reading testimonial:

"Kim Blair is a lovely and generous person, so I felt comfortable asking for an unusual way to lay the Tarot cards.  I'd been working with my chakras, finding some blockages, and wondered what information the cards might offer.  She was open to and excited with my request, and took her time with each chakra  -  a rich collaboration.  I've since been working with the Tarot insights received.  I can recommend Kim's work to anyone."

"A Restorative Chakra Tarot reading works with the

 7 main Chakras of the body and is designed to assist you in strengthening each Chakra.