Intuitive Tarot readings available with Kim via ZOOM and *in-person at WFL on selected days (see below for more info)

Creative Ways to Work with the Power of the Moon Phases


8 of Pentacles from The Light Seer's Tarot

I thought I would share some information I have been researching regarding using the power of the Moon Phases.

Sometimes, when we make plans or craft certain goals, we may feel confused as to when to implement each stage of our strategy in order to achieve a desired outcome.

"Moon Phases

are a fun, creative way to harness the energy of the Moon

 to assist you in working towards monthly goals."

· The 2 weeks leading up to a full moon are especially good for making plans, while finalizing details as you "working towards" a goal you would like to implement and achieve.

· During the full moon it is a great time to put into action, or "follow through & do" 

the plans you were working on during the 2 weeks prior to the full moon.

· While the 2 weeks following the full moon are a time for reflection and contemplation regarding what you might consider "tweaking & changing", in order move closer to achieving your desired goal.

· The new moon (also called the dark moon), in the middle of this cycle, is a time to "rest & renew" for a few days. 

· In the 2 weeks leading up to "next" full moon you can implement the insights gleaned from your time of reflection (since the last full moon), as these insights will be instrumental in "working towards" and moving closer to achieving your goal.

   Moon Phase Diagram   

Here are links to Moon Phase calendars for February and March 2023 that you could print and work with for planning your Moon Phase strategy.

"I would love to hear how it works for you! "